Monday, June 6, 2011

1. Individual Technology Assessment

As an educator, what are your present strengths and weaknesses in technology? How do you plan to use your strengths? How do you plan to address the weaknesses?

I feel that my present strengths as an educator is that I am not afraid to try new technology.  I grew up around technology and helped my husband install and train others on computers & technology.  I learn by doing - hand on learning.  My weaknesses are that I don't take the time to learn things unless I have a need or a project that needs to be done.  I also am not good at recalling technology when I need it, I always waste time by using the wrong tools and then "happening" across the one that I need.  I will use my strengths to continue to work with new technology and I am working on choosing a new technology tool every month to share with the staff at my school.  I am working on an online portfolio so that I can have examples of the different types of Web 2.0 tools and what they can be used for.  Hopefully, working with the staff, we can brainstorm new, innovative and engaging ways to introduce the tools/technology to the students and allow them to foster their creativity with the available resources.